the following is the remains of an online journal i kept from April 2000 through may 2001, when the program i was using became unstable.

#79thank you
#78rolling slowly by
#77i dont know if i've ever told you..
#75You Are For Me
#73*deep sigh*
#72a mended heart
#71For Stephanie
#70it apears to be just me
#69pissed off
#67S E P A R A T I O N
#64is it important?(feburary 14th)
#63unplanned rambles
#61a public service announcement
#60there feels like ive got an alien inside my lungs
#59my atempt at art...far from perfect
#57"what are you doing?"
#55tell me
#54i have forgotten completely what i was going to say
#53and the rains came down
#52i am in love with music
#50looking forward, i want to turn the other way
#49some words on words
#482003 more things to do in my day
#47soulfood cafe
#46nothing much
#45oh i miss..
#44i'm sorry i sit here helpless
#42watching candles (cont.)
#41watching candles
#38in one week
#37you think you know a person...
#36i'm thinkin
#35recent words
#34funny how...
#33lack of words
#32oh the grand illussion
#31i've been doing some reading
#30just one more day...
#29i click on "add" and this is what happens?
#26"I stand in awe of You"
#25a visit to a dream
#24kids are great!
#22post it notes and dreams
#21"i want to paint my bathroom blue"
#20i wish i had a house...
#19there are two of me...
#18treasures on earth
#17this doesn't feel right
#16word of the day
#15the stage
#14a letter to a fersis
#13i'm turning into a tomato
#12keeping you posted...some thoughts as they flow
#11it's thursday already?
#10it's almost over (can i have am amen!?)
#09i don't feel like using a cliche' here, and i can't think of anything this is my subject line
#08wouldn't it be nice to walk around in jello?
#07"the closest thing"
#06greeting cards: aisle 9...umbrellas: aisle 13
#05"...a little more than i deserve..."
#04fried ice cream
#03"tuesday, after a wreckless and used day"
#02of the life of a bwe...

older front newer