Tuesday, June 27th 2000 03:26PM
i click on "add" and this is what happens?
we learn new things everyday that we were supposed to know already...
like when God whacks us over the head with those obvious directions...
*listen to me
*obey me
*give it to me
*trust me
*serve me
::if you'll do these things i'll give you
joy...peace..hope...a sure way and foundation
in each of them::
He loves me. He loves you.
I can't even begin to see how great His love for me is...i mean..i've done so much to NOT deserve it...i so often neglect to listen, obey, surrender, trust, serve Him...everyday..every week..every month...
and THEN i get sooo down on myself about NOT doing it that it takes me a good two weeks to find my way back again... to relearn how to listen and obey Him each day...
i'm learning about listening this week...because i way too often try to find what i can get out of His Word on my own, rather than listening to what HE is saying to me in it. SURE there's good ObViOuS stuff in there...but God's got so much MORE if i'd just LISTEN..and it is so applicable when it's what He has for ME and not just something that someone else learned and wrote a comentary on...you know?
i think i've schpeeled enough for now...if not..i can always click "add" or "edit" later
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