Thursday, June 15th 2000 10:54AM
"I stand in awe of You"
"You are beautiful beyond description..too marvelous for words"
God, i thank you for how you you take the most hopeless of situations..the ones that Satan obviously wants to tear your family down through...and you bring forth your children to shine with your love in spite of it. God you've shown me so much through what's going on at the board right've shown me how important cummunication is..and how when we fail to communicate what's on our minds with each other it can cause a lot of hurt and problems. God most importantly..the communication between me and you..between every one of your children and you..lord we skip that part so often...neglecting to do the one thing that would make everything so much better..PRAY
every day that i fail to pray about everything in my a day that Satan has won another battle that he does not deserve.
He's lost the big one...why do i keep giving him victory in the small ones?
God you love me...i love you too
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