Monday, June 5th 2000 11:38PM
kids are great!

today was WONDERFUL! i admit, i went into VBS rather uncertain of how anything would go..and i still am..but i'm sooooo pumped-up-excited about it all! it was rather surpriseing to see how little time we actually get to spend with the kids during the three hours..because they go off to other group things durring the middle time (for about an hour and a half they aren't even in our room) so we had to learn how to choose adn fit in what seemed most important out of our plans and get it done first...hoping to move on to more things as time allowed. the very best part for me was durring our ending session with them we were helping them locate books of the bible and verses in their bibles. it is so cool to hear them read promises from God straight for their bibles..and to help them learn how to find books like Micah and Zephaniah by using the table of contents page:) we had 7 boys and 2 girls today..great kids too..i love little boys so much! God has blessed me so mcuh and is for sure going to keep blessing me just by letting me spend this time with the kids. and to think all i had to do was surrender this time to Him and be willing to jump into the unknown. i was worried becasue i didn't know all the kids..and because i thought it would be hard to teach in a place i'd grown up..but it's so great! i worshiped all day through this. thank you God!

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