Saturday, May 6th 2000 01:29AM
keeping you posted...some thoughts as they flow
posting a journal entry before i shut my eyes for a few hours...
(why is everything i submit to the internet now considered "posting"?)
i don't even know who all reads these randomly rambled makes it kinda of hard to know what i want to say from time to i try not to hide..sometimes i still like to...i don't know why...i guess there's just some things you'd like to keep for just yours, and some things you'd like to share with a few people in an exclusive group, and a few more less-close things that get poured out freely to everyone else...and i am unsure if this journal is "exclusive" or "everyone else"....
maybe it is exclusively everyone else?
i went to my very last freshman theory class today. this feels like closeure to the year. after all the finals are over, we'll all high-tail it out of here with our cars full, and our brains tired. it will be less than a full week now untill i am pulling out of this campus, most likely not to return till august, except for the possibility of comming in for special recitals and such during the summer. i am very much ready for this week to be over and summer to offically ARIVE. i MUST swim in the fountain here at school before we leave though!
this summer i want to be:
a guitar playing summer
a sitting under my tree summer
a ministry summer
a bubble blowing summer
a breezy, sunshiny summer
a summer of relaxing, and laughing
a summer to reconnect with old friends whom i've left behind all year long
a summer to try new things, show new maturity, travel great miles--cornerstone 2000 is the trip fo the summer
of course, i don't whant cornerstone to be the ONLY thing i do this summer. i want to be useful and open to whatever opportunities God ahs for me all the while, especaily at cornerstone, and hopefully with other things as well, at church, on seminary, in other areas of the city..who knows!
well, it's not sumemr's only 1:30 am on saturday morning, may 6th..and i need sleep because i am that is what i am going now to get. goodnight everyone!
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