Thursday, April 27th 2000 01:28AM
i don't feel like using a cliche' here, and i can't think of anything this is my subject line
one hour after 4-26-00
today was a wonderfuly splendid day all around really. Actually, the earlier parts, which involved classes, were less splendid, i just could NOT focus on anything my teachers were explaining today..hopefully the text books will explain it all to me in bweka-language...
this afternoon i played in a studio recital. i played Serenata De Sevile on the piano, and i played it VERY well! i only made a few minor mistakes, and i didn't panic over them, jsut kept going..i imagine no one really even noticed those! this makes me happy:)
after the recital i couldn't go to work study, because mr young had already left for the day, so i ventured back to the dorm planning to do laundry, only to discover that all the washers had about 20 minutes left on i skiped laundry and jsut bummed around till diner time (the food SUCKED but i'm over that)
after dinaer i drove myself to church for college bible study, where we talked about how many times jesus says something about being "sent" in the book of john, there are supposed to be something around 43 times that jesus talks about the father sending him here...i am going to study that some more tongiht, and i'll perhaps post my findings at a later date is really interesting, especailly with the climax verse ben showed us. i think i'll jsut elave you guys in suspense untill then though:)
on the way home from church i popped in my rich mullens tape (the one with the christmas song on it, and hold em jesus, and the colour green)and i drove generally towards school. upon getting the the place i was supposed to turn onto lincoln road, i decided not to, and jsut kept going straight, simply because i never ahd done could not rember what was back i drove and drove and came to the end of that highway, and took a left, and hoped i knew where i was or how to get back if i got lost...i crossed another main road but didnt' rember where it came out at, so i kept going untill i found myself right at highway 11, which is where i would have ended up if i'd turned on linclon, yet i was a few blocks out of the was a nice drive:) tip of the day: take the long way home while listening to a dead guy.
after i got back on campus i went to the music building to practice, and i practiced VERY well! i feel very good about all of my music, and am starting to really put some good expression into is becomeing a part of me now. when i sing about the lass from the low contree, i find myself really feeling "oh sorrow! sing sorrow!" it almost made me cry...
i left the music building in time to go to bsu, which i felt a huge compulsion to go to tonight. odd becuase i usualy don't go, mot of the eyar i have not gone..but tonight i went, and it was GREAT! we had a different praise band in tonight, it was marc lewis and the rest of that band he's in, they did really well..but then again, praise music always sounds awesome to me. we sang praises the ENTIRE hour of bsu!! it was relaly really a refreshment that i needed.
one thing i've noticed about when i do go to bsu...i walk in by myself and stay basically by myself as other people find someone to sit with and laugh with...i sit and watch, and contemplate all that is going on. i've often had people stop and check on me to be sure i'm feeling okay..i guess my quiet alone contemplative look is not as happy is it ought to be..i should work a more pleasent alone look:) i honestly felt GREAT tonight! but when brandon asked if i was okay, it almost made me cry...i guess because if someone thinks i'm not okay, i almost want to make them happy and be "not okay" so they can feel needed? i dunno...
well, after a bit, kara came in and sat on my row with me, as she always does when i'm there...funny, we tend to spuratically show up on all the same nights. she's so sweet...
after bsu, i was in a very much mood to take joulie and me to ihop, so i called around to see if nyone else was going, and no one esle was around a phone, so i drove the two of us there and we sat down at a table and ordered our food. i got pbuttermilk pancakes with strawberries and hipped cream, and joulie got an omlette and pancakes. shortly after we go our food (amazingly fast..before the waitress even got silverware and drinks to the table!) cassie, ashton, and daniel came in so we shifted to a larger table and hung out with them for a couple of hours. i'm really sad that we've only got another week or two of our IHOP gatherings left this year...and daniel isn't even going to be back in the fall...i'll miss him so much...the dork
so after leaving IHOP around midnight, we went back to school and this is where i am now...sitting here journaling and listening to the juliana theory yet again.
mornings of grogginess
days of accomplishment
clear nights filled with laughter
and i don't have an 8-o-clock class in the morning!!!
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